Friday, June 17, 2011

A Book-A-Day Challenge

Inspired by Donalyn Miller's blog post over on, I am going to read a book a day this summer. Beginning tomorrow, June 18th, the first day of summer vacation, and ending September 11th, the day before the first day of school, I will read a book each day. They may not be long books, I may read one book and part of another so I can finish one each day, but I will accomplish my goal.

I have a stack of books next to my bed, a stack next to my living room chair, unread books on my Kindle, and books almost everywhere else in the house. This is my chance to catch up on the titles I didn't get to read during the school year, find more books to recommend to my K-6 students next year, and find books to complement curriculum and to suggest to teachers. Multiple reasons exist to take on this challenge, so I will!

I will track my reading here, so I have a record of the books I read and summaries/reviews that I can share with students and teachers next school year. I will also post #abookaday updates on my Twitter account to hold myself accountable.

I'm excited for this challenge and know that I will come out of this summer with a lot of fabulous books ready to share with students and staff.

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